Test heading using a line break
Sadly thrush or candida as it is otherwise known is one of the main side effects or antibiotic or antimicrobial treatments for chronic UTI. The good news is that healthy bacteria in your gut and vagina can help to keep candida levels in check. Sadly thrush or candida as it is otherwise known is one of the main side effects or antibiotic or antimicrobial treatments for chronic UTI. The good news is that healthy bacteria in your gut and vagina can help to keep candida levels in check.
test H3 heading in an accordion
Sadly thrush or candida as it is otherwise known is one of the main side effects or antibiotic or antimicrobial treatments for chronic UTI. The good news is that healthy bacteria in your gut and vagina can help to keep candida levels in check.
test heading H4 in an accordion
Sadly thrush or candida as it is otherwise known is one of the main side effects or antibiotic or antimicrobial treatments for chronic UTI. The good news is that healthy bacteria in your gut and vagina can help to keep candida levels in check.