From NHS to private find the right specialist to help treat your recurrent or persistent urinary tract infection. Some specialists listed here also offer other urological or gynaecological services.

Please note, none of the specialists mentioned here are able to treat patients under 16 years of age. Contact the specialist’s admin team for the specific age from which individual patients can be accepted.

For those wishing to see a private consultant, ensure you are aware of all the treatment costs before making an appointment if self-funding. These can be provided by the relevant clinic’s admin team. Discuss with your health insurer any policy exclusions such as email correspondence, telephone/virtual consultations or repeat prescription charges. You may have to cover the cost of these yourself.

Each name links to more information.


Miss Sohier (Susie) Elneil 

Diagnostic method  Standard urine culture
Treatment regime  Antibiotics
Clinic location  London

The Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) Clinic, Whittington Hospital 

Diagnostic method  Urine microscopy
Treatment regime  Antibiotics
Clinic location  London

Professor Vikram Khullar and team

Diagnostic method  Standard urine culture
Treatment regime  Antibiotics
Clinic location London

Mr Sachin Malde

Diagnostic method  Standard urine culture
Treatment regime  Antibiotics
Clinic location  London

Private (self-funding/medical insurance)

Dr Catriona Anderson

Diagnostic method  Broth culture/EQUC/interpretation of PCR/NGS urine analysis results
Treatment regime  Antibiotics
Clinic location  Staffordshire (Self funding only).

Miss Sohier (Susie) Elneil 

Diagnostic method  Standard urine culture
Treatment regime  Antibiotics
Clinic location  London (self-funding and medical insurance)

Professor Vikram Khullar

Diagnostic method  Extended standard urine culture
Treatment regime  Antibiotics
Clinic locations  London (self-funding and medical insurance)

Mr Sachin Malde

Diagnostic method  Broth culture/urine microscopy & interpretation of PCR/NGS urine analysis results
Treatment regime  Antibiotics
Clinic location  London (self-funding & medical insurance)

The Harley Street Clinic (founded by Professor James Malone-Lee)

Diagnostic method  Urine microscopy
Treatment regime  Antibiotics
Clinic location  London – (self funding)

Miss Rajvinder Khasriya 

Diagnostic method  Urine microscopy
Treatment regime  Antibiotics
Clinic location  London – (self funding)

Getting the most out of your appointment

To make the most out of an appointment with any of these specialists we recommend you:

  • Prepare a short one page history relating to your bladder and gynaecological issues in advance of your first appointment that you can refer to during the consult.
  • Make a list of any medications and supplements you already take including any antibiotics you may take for recurrent UTIs. You may wish to bring with you copies of urine test results or the results from other investigative tests you have had such as ultrasounds, cystoscopies or other pelvic organ investigations. This will save your consultant having to chase up your medical history after your first appointment so that appropriate treatment can be more quickly organised.
  • Write down all of your symptoms – UTI symptoms are different for everyone. For example, do you have burning while peeing, lower abdominal pain, cloudy or smelly urine, fever, mental confusion? All of the above? List your present symptoms as well as those from previous infections so your healthcare provider can make an accurate assessment.
  • Think about any behaviour or environment preceding when the symptoms of your UTI started. If you had a history of childhood UTIs, family can help with background.
  • Make a list of questions in advance you would like answered during your consult and if appropriate, ask a family member or friend to accompany you. They can help to ask these questions and may think of more during the consult.  Post-appointment, many have commented how useful it is to have someone with them to provide feedback, as inevitably it is difficult to remember every aspect of their time in consult.
  • After each appointment, ask for copies of all test results your specialist may have ordered and request that you also receive a copy of subsequent correspondence sent to the GP from your specialist.