UTI Causes

There are many causes from which a UTI can develop, these can include:

  • After sexual intercourse (anal or vaginal), through a new sexual partner (size matters sometimes), poor post sex hygiene or using sex toys that have not been previously thoroughly cleaned or sterilised
  • Misshapen bladder or structural/physical anomalies within the urinary tract
  • Urinary tract obstructions or blockages, such as an enlarged prostate or kidney stones
  • Investigative surgery of urinary tract including cystoscopy/bladder or urethral stretch /hydrodistension of the bladder or bladder biopsy
  • Childbirth
  • Diabetes particularly those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes
  • Injury or paralysis to the spinal cord reducing/stopping signals from the urinary tract to the brain to empty the bladder. This condition is known as neuropathic or neurogenic bladder and those affected need to self catheterise or have an indwelling catheter to empty the bladder.
  • Vaginal/bowel prolapse preventing complete emptying of the bladder
  • After being catheterized or where an indwelling catheter is in place
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (for urethritis)
  • Pelvic surgery including mesh implant or hysterectomy
  • Menopause/Peri-Menopause/Premature Menopause
  • Being on certain birth control pills, using an IUD, diaphragm and spermicide usage
  • Personal hygiene including not wiping from front to back after bowel movements. This can particularly affect children and the elderly